”] [if 8824 not_equal=””] [/if 8824]

Podcast Description

Unable to fetch podcast feed. Please check the URL or try again later.


Podcast Links

[if 8824 equals=””]
[editlink label=”✎” cancel=”✘” prefix=”9005_frm_container_” fields=”9005,9006,9007,9008,9009,9010,9011,9012″]
[/if 8824]

Episode Links

    [if 8120 not_equal=””]
  • Apple
  • [/if 8120] [if 8121 not_equal=””]
  • Google
  • [/if 8121] [if 8122 not_equal=””]
  • Spotify
  • [/if 8122] [if 8123 not_equal=””]
  • Stitcher
  • [/if 8123] [if 8825 not_equal=””]
  • Facebook
  • [/if 8825] [if 8826 not_equal=””]
  • YouTube
  • [/if 8826] [if 8827 not_equal=””]
  • LinkedIn
  • [/if 8827] [if 8119 not_equal=””]
  • Website
  • [/if 8119]
[editlink label=”✎” cancel=”✘” prefix=”8120_frm_container_” fields=”8119,8120,8121,8122,8123,8825,8826,8827″]
About the Show

Last Episode Date

Unable to fetch the latest podcast episode date at this time.


Total Episodes

An error occurred while fetching the feed.”]

Podcast: [if 8824 equals=””][8111][/if 8824][8824]

Host(s): [if 8115 equals=””][8824 show=8024] [8824 show=8183][/if 8115] [9265]

Source: [8165]

Podcast Industry: [8245]

Tags: [8824 show=8477]

[editlink label=”✎” cancel=”✘” prefix=”8165_frm_container_” fields=”8824,8111,8165,8245″]
Episode [8163]
[if 8120 not_equal=””][/if 8120]

Title: [8116]

Topic: [8246]

Offer: [9015]

Audience: [9016]

[editlink label=”✎” cancel=”✘” prefix=”8163_frm_container_” fields=”8163,8116,8246,9015,9016″]
An error occurred while fetching the feed.”]

[8824 show=8014][if 8824 show=8014 equals=””][8112][/if 8824]

[editlink label=”✎” cancel=”✘” prefix=”8112_frm_container_” fields=”8112″]
Contact Info

Host(s): [9265]

Company: [9265 show=8079]

Phone: [9265 show=8091]

Email: [9265 show=8090]

[9265 show=9266]

Add Contact
[editlink label=”✎” cancel=”✘” prefix=”9265_frm_container_” fields=”9265″]


[editlink label=”✎” cancel=”✘” prefix=”8277_frm_container_” fields=”9175″]
Listen to Past Episodes

Unable to fetch podcast episodes at this time.


About the Show

Last Episode Date

Unable to fetch the latest podcast episode date at this time.


Total Episodes

An error occurred while fetching the feed.”]

Podcast: [if 8824 equals=””][8111][/if 8824][8824]

Host(s): [if 8115 equals=””][8824 show=8024] [8824 show=8183][/if 8115] [9265]

Source: [8165]

Podcast Industry: [8245]

Tags: [8824 show=8477]

[editlink label=”✎” cancel=”✘” prefix=”8165_frm_container_” fields=”8824,8111,8165,8245″]
Episode [8163]
[if 8120 not_equal=””][/if 8120]

Title: [8116]

Topic: [8246]

Offer: [9015]

Audience: [9016]

[editlink label=”✎” cancel=”✘” prefix=”8163_frm_container_” fields=”8163,8116,8246,9015,9016″]


Listen to Past Episodes

Unable to fetch podcast episodes at this time.



What You Provide

Benefits of your product or service?

What is the benefit of your product or service?

[8306 wpautop=0]

[editlink label=”✎” cancel=”✘” prefix=”8306_frm_container_” fields=”8306″ form_id=14]

How are you better?

Reason buyers choose you (as opposed to any other option)

How are you are better than your competitors?

[9635 wpautop=0]

[editlink label=”✎” cancel=”✘” prefix=”9635_frm_container_” fields=”9635″ form_id=14]


Your Impact

Where have you demonstrated tangible results? (accomplishments, credentials and proof)

Where Have You Demonstrated Results?

[9636 wpautop=0]

[editlink label=”✎” cancel=”✘” prefix=”9636_frm_container_” fields=”9636″ form_id=14]

Your Why

When did it matter? (your big idea, mission and purpose)

What is your why?

[9637 wpautop=0]

[editlink label=”✎” cancel=”✘” prefix=”9637_frm_container_” fields=”9637″ form_id=14]


Your Persona

[editlink label=”✎” cancel=”✘” prefix=”9730_frm_container_” fields=”9730″ form_id=14]


  • [editlink label=”Potential” cancel=”x” prefix=”8113_frm_container_” fields=”8113,8829″]
  • [editlink label=”Active” cancel=”x” prefix=”8113_frm_container_” fields=”8113,8830″]
  • [editlink label=”Aired” cancel=”x” prefix=”8113_frm_container_” status=”Aired” fields=”8113,8831″]
  • [editlink label=”On Hold” cancel=”x” prefix=”8113_frm_container_” status=”On Hold” fields=”8113″]
  • [editlink label=”Cancelled” cancel=”x” prefix=”8113_frm_container_” status=”Cancelled” fields=”8113″]

Next Steps

[if 8113 equals=”Potential”]
    Qualification One Sheet Sent Pitched
[/if 8113] [if 8113 equals=”Active”]
    Scheduled Photos Sent Follow on Social Media Leave a Review Recorded Thank-you
[/if 8113] [if 8113 equals=”Aired”]
    Thank You Email Social Media Posts Make an Introduction Ask for Referral Update Website / Blog Send Gift
[/if 8113]

Important Dates

There are no views with that ID” etype=”gstrecord”] There are no views with that ID” etype=”gstair”] There are no views with that ID” filter=limited etype=”gstpromo”]



[8824 show=8342 wpautop=0]

Social Tags

[8824 show=8341 wpautop=0]