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Pay NOTHING for the first 14-days.
Cancel at ANY time during your trial.
Podcast One Sheet Professional (Monthly)
Todays Total:
$0 for 14 days
After 14 Days:
We ask for your credit card to allow your membership to continue after your free trail, should you choose not to cancel. This also allows us to reduce fraud and prevent multiple free trials for one person. This helps us deliver better service for all the honest customers.
Remember that we won’t bill you anything during your free trial and that you can cancel at any moment before your trial ends.
After your free trial ends, you will be billed monthly at $21. This means that your credit card charge will be $21 and you will get full access to your Podcast One Sheet account for the month.
Changing plans is really simple. You can upgrade or downgrade your plan within the Account Settings. If you are upgrading to a higher plan, you will be prorated the difference.