
Introducing Castocity

If you’re a podcaster, then how to make money podcasting is probably on your mind a lot.

Is your podcast profitable?

Probably not…

And you are not alone.

That’s because 99% of podcasts make $0.

Some people brag that they get “X” number of downloads… but are listeners buying anything? Can they attract sponsors? Will having more downloads translate into more income?

If you can answer YES to the questions above, then podcasting is profitable. That’s the type of podcast you want.

Otherwise… you’re spending more and more time, but showing little rewards for all your effort (and may even call it quits)…

And… when you are losing money, it’s hard to build any momentum.

Which means the opportunity to grow your audience, your income and your impact…

All that decreases.

A profitable podcast fixes all that.

The question is… how to do it quickly, without having a huge audience or being a sales or marketing influencer.

And that’s exactly why I created Castocity – to make podcasting profitable.

Castocity is the only podcast marketing system that makes you money.

With Castocity you quickly…

Generate more sales from your podcast
Create joint venture and affiliate income
Grow your podcast listeners
Develop guest relationships (that lead to sales)
Get sponsors for your show

All while saving you time, effort and money so that you can grow the audience, income and impact of your podcast.

To learn more about Castocity and sign up for launch notification and deals, visit Castocity.com

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