Hello, I'm

John Assaraf

John Assaraf is a world renowned mindset and small business growth expert who has appeared numerous times on Larry King Live, Anderson Cooper, and The Ellen DeGeneres Show. He has built 5 multimillion dollar companies, written 2 New York Times best selling books and appeared in 12 movies including the blockbuster hit “The Secret ” and “Quest For Success” with Richard Branson and the Dalai Lama. He is passionate in helping people tap into their brain’s superpowers so they shatter limitations and achieve their life’s biggest goals and dreams. John founded myNeuroGym.com which is revolutionizing mindset coaching and mental fitness. His cutting edge “Innercise app” helps people rewire their brain for unstoppable success. John is an avid meditator, father, and husband who loves to exercise and travel the world.

Suggested Topics

Topic 1

Barriers to Success

Topic 3

Crafting Your Superhero Story

Topic 5

Development of NeuroGym

Topic 2

Neuroscience Insights

Topic 4

Building Confidence and Positive Self-Talk

Suggested Questions

Question 1

Despite having access to knowledge and information in books, websites, and online platforms, why do so few people achieve financial freedom?

Question 3

What are some of the latest discoveries in Neuroscience about habits, beliefs, fears, and performance?

Question 5

How do you build unbreakable confidence?

Question 7

Why did you build NeuroGym/Programs- what technology is in your programs and why?

Question 9

Question 2

What have you discovered are the key reasons many people do not achieve their fullest potential?

Question 4

We all have stories that follow us…I call them our “superhero origin stories”…the stories of how we got to where we are. But what if we’re not in the best place and our “story” isn’t great? How does the average person turn it into a superhero story th

Question 6

Why is positive self-talk so important for success in life and business?

Question 8

Question 10



John Assaraf is a world renowned mindset and small business growth expert who has appeared
numerous times on Larry King Live, Anderson Cooper, and The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
He has built 5 multimillion dollar companies, written 2 New York Times best selling books and
appeared in 14 movies including the blockbuster hit “The Secret ” and “Quest For Success” with
Richard Branson and the Dalai Lama.
He is passionate in helping people tap into their brain’s superpower so they shatter limitations
and achieve their life’s biggest goals and dreams.
John founded myNeuroGym.com which is revolutionizing mindset coaching and mental fitness
training. His powerful “Innercise app” helps people rewire their brain for unstoppable success.