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Jay Williams

Empowering individuals to realise their full potential

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I remember being just seven years old and my heart breaking as tears rolled down from my eyes. I was sat watching my favourite Animal Planet documentary on Africa, and on screen was a mother elephant with her throat cut, tusks removed and her baby standing over her. In that moment I made a decision, that one day I would make a difference in the world, but I had no idea what that would look like. At the same time, there was this nagging voice in my head asking: “Who are you to believe you can change the world?” A question I would continue to wrestle with throughout my life. Growing up in a small village in North Wales, I lived on the edge of a valley where fast jets were always practising their low level flying. After watching a pilot documentary of how they trained and after visiting an Air Force camp, I began to dream of becoming a pilot. I was called to be more, and despite the pull to conform to the norms, I rebelled and years later joined the Royal Air Force. But sadly, it wasn’t to become a pilot, I settled for what was comfortable and was too scared to even take the test. Toward the end of my nine years in the military, I was spending my days at a desk bored out of my mind, while at night I entertained large crowds as a professional DJ which made me feel alive. Unlike my day job, it was energising and what I loved most was that at the push of the button, it didn’t matter what people were going through, I could change their lives for a moment. I dreamed of playing in huge venues or big music festivals and soon, gave my notice and left the safety of a long safe career in the military to go to Ibiza and DJ—that was until I met a friend who was making a lot of money with high ticket affiliate marketing and convinced me to give it a try... it looked easy. I thought this could be a brilliant way to finance my travel around the world as a DJ, so I was in. I threw myself into business, determined to make it work, but then along came a girl. And so I said goodbye to my DJ dream once more and justified it by saying “I am in love”—again, holding myself back from pursuing a dream. This theme continued as I struggled through my journey in business. While I was busy buying programs, learning and gathering more and more business information, strategies and tactics, I was actually hiding behind them to avoid facing the REAL fears holding me back from making great money, having an impact and doing what I was meant to do. I was helping others so THEY could have an impact, when I needed to face the same in myself. I was listening to my head instead of my heart. What I really wanted was to be that guy—the pilot, the DJ, the Coach with massive impact. Then out of nowhere, like a gift from the Universe, I stumbled across a video from this guy who was like a Mindset Yoda for seven and eight-figure entrepreneurs. Feeling stuck, frustrated and knowing I couldn’t do it anymore, I paid $48,500—money I did not have—to work one-to-one with him. It was life changing. He took me through a new framework that helped me see my blind spots. He gave me simple, step-by-step tools to eliminate fear of failure, judgement, rejection, doubts, frustrations, procrastination and every single money block that was keeping me stuck. As a result, not only did I build two, six-figure businesses, I was equipped with the tools and the CONFIDENCE to be able to declare what I want and know with absolute certainty I could bring it to life. No matter what was going on in the outside world, I felt fully in control of my internal world. It was like I had invented my own genie lamp! The best part of finally listening to my heart and overcoming my inner blocks, was the tremendous impact I began to have on thousands of business owners. It’s now my passion and purpose to help coaches conquer their own self-doubt, worry and blocks that are holding them back, so they, too, can be UNSTOPPABLE—leading to massive business growth, income and impact in their client’s lives.


Jay Williams is an International Speaker, High Performance Coach. He’s helped over 500 driven Entrepreneurs from startups, all the way to 7-figure business owners to conquer self-doubt, worry and procrastination by uncovering and removing blocks that are holding them back leading to massive business growth, 2x, 3x & even 4x income and impact with proven business strategies. With his playful, fundamentals-based and curious style, along with a hunger to learn, always puts him on the cutting edge of anything that’s going to enhance his clients performance, business, and impact…AI happens to be one of those powerful tools.

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